Tag Archives: CPI

Corruption Index 2009

Transparency International, a global anti-corruption group, has released the results of its 2009 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) surveys of 180 countries.

Leading the list of most ‘trustable’ countries, with low perceived public-sector corruption, were: New Zealand, Denmark, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, Finland, Netherlands, Australia, Canada and Iceland.

At the very bottom of the pile: Burundi, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea, Haiti, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Chad, Iraq, Sudan, Myanmar, Afghanistan and Somalia.

Russia and Ukraine scored poorly; each finished tied for 146th place with Cameroon, Ecuador, Kenya, Sierra Leone, East Timor and Zimbabwe. The UK and US finished 17th and 19th, respectively. Qatar was 22nd. France came in at #24. Israel and Spain tied for the 32nd spot.

Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela turned in a dismal showing, slipping to 162nd (158th last year) and barely missing inclusion in the ‘dirty dozen’ by a single point.

For more info and to find out how your favourite country did, click here.

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